
Sunday, August 10, 2008

OH So Much Going On

So it's been a while so I have a ton of stuff to write.
First of all, our family (especially Spencer) is totally into the Olympics right now. Spencer was so into the opening ceremonies, it was great! He's not so into watching every event, all day but he was awake for almost the entire opening ceremony (it ended at midnight).
Second, for the last few months at my house we have been having discussions about what words are real and what words are not. G can't figure out why I use the word hugest. It's my cross between huge & biggest. Ok, so it's probably not a real word but I use it sometimes anyway. Spencer's newest word (borrowed from Sis) is ginormous. I think it is his cross between gigantic & enormous. Hey, works for me! So, these two stories are joined now. G & I were watching the Olympics after the kids went to bed last night and one of the announcers used Spencer's word. Spencer was so excited when we told him about it this morning. "See I told you it was a real word. They used it on the Olympics didn't they? That makes it a real word."
So now onto my ginormous news. I kinda hinted bout being up to something new. So my new adventure is a new web site! I am so excited that I have been giddy all day. But, I first have to say this was G's idea! Well, he named it, got me hooked up with a domain name, put me on the right web site to build it, & was excited when I was excieted! Gotta love my guy! He is the best. As soon as it is online, I will post my link & tell the rest of the story.
For now, no pix to share cuz I'm on G's computer and I need to get to makin dinner.

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