
Sunday, May 31, 2009

First Week of June

OK, so I need a couple days off from blogging. G & I are running at least 4 days a week and I have so many last minute projects that have to be done before the end of the school year. But I'm not leaving you high and dry, nope not me! I have some interesting things for you to think about this week.

June 1st is National Go Barefoot Day (I just wish I could play hooky tomorrow & go barefoot ALL day long)!
June 2nd is Oscar the Grouch's Birthday
June 3rd is Repeat Day
June 3rd is Repeat Day (oh wait it's only May 31st sorry got ahead of myself)
June 4th is Cheese Day (Yummy I will celebrate that one)
June 5th is National Attitude Day (Hope my kids don't celebrate that one)
June 6th is National Family Day (I celebrate that one every day)
June 7th is National Chocolate Ice Cream Day (Not for me I don't eat chocolate)

So, hope you find some time to celebrate something fun this week. I will try to pop in a couple times but if I get swamped, don't worry I will post more special celebrations soon!

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